Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cricket investigation

Kingdom : Animalia (the taxonomic kingdom comprising all animals.)
Phylum: Chordata (the phylum comprising the chordates.
Class: Aves (
Order:  Galliformes (pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins.)
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Gallus

Background research: Crickets eat fruits, seeds, small insects, some leaves, and they eat organic materials. They can't live without habitat, they usually live under rocks and logs. They need warm weather and soil to lay there eggs. Depending on the crickets, some crickets don't like light but other crickets do. Female crickets die after laying there eggs. Some male crickets like to have chirping competitions with other male crickets. Crickets need to have a good diet or else they would start feeding on each other, also they need a good supply of water. Female crickets are larger. They communicate by seeing, smelling, and touching.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cricket investigation

Background Research:   My group and I closely observed crickets in containers. Their was an wet napkin and a dry napkin on each side of the container. We watched the crickets for about 10 minutes. We noticed that they like the wet side better.

Question: Do crickets like wet or dry places?
Hypothesis: Crickets like wet areas better than dry places

Friday, December 9, 2011

This Week in Science #6

          This week in science listing things i cant live without was the first thing I did. Then I listed the things a cricket cant live without. Then we started something with jelly beans. We had to make a dichotomous key determining the difference between the beans. For every yes or no we had to make up a question for it.
          This week in science i learned that crickets prefer the dark because that's when they start to chirp. I learned that crickets cant live without air, a nest, food, water, and a partner. This week in science i learned that crickets prefer wet places because we had followed a crickets movements for 2 minutes 3-4 times over a wet napkin and a dry napkin to see whether they like wet or dry places better.

Friday, December 2, 2011

This week in Science #5

          This week in science we experimented with Grass hoppers. I helped create shelters for them. I helped put 3 in each case, a slice of an apple, and a crumbled up piece of paper. I had witnessed a live tarantula for the first time in my life. It had purple on the top and it was very hairy.
          I learned that Grass hoppers die extremely easily. They grow slow and they make the chirping sound when they flap their wings. I learned that crickets dont bite humans. I also noticed that they rarely eat. Grass hoppers dont really do much but walk around and make annoying noises.  This is an example of an insect, that i really want, doing cool things